I was one of the 10 winners of the PrintPower Awards 2023. The theme was "Energy".
Motive: What is energy? Energy is movement. Like this work, sometimes energy is just an illusion. Stop comparing yourself to someone else's illusion.
Swedish: Vad är energi? Energi är rörelse. Likt detta verk så är ibland energi enbart en illusion. Sluta jämföra dig själv med någon annans illusion.
I simply looked up the word energy and the first thing I read was energy is movement and instantly I was inspired to create a moving picture. I looked up different illusions to see how I could create my very own. Realising it was very difficult I chose a pattern and started testing. My aim was to create this in illustrator but the functions and shortcuts I was looking for wasn't there. I turned to figma instead and the trusty auto layout.
I was more ambitious in the start and became more and more humble as the work took form. My effort for this project was not that high to start with as I was not planning on participating in the contest so I chose to not attempt my own moving pattern. This was also my first time working with Pantone and print which is why the colors are pink and green, I wanted them to pop and I also had to consider the contrast against black and white to not lose the effect of movement. I was also considering blue but it just didn't give the same affect after being printed as in the digital world.